Welcome to certification of plastic products website
With the satisfaction that generates the launch of a new project, acting as the chairman of the AENOR Plastics Certification Technical Committee, I would like to welcome you to this website.
This virtual meeting place born with two well-defined purposes: to provide prescribers and potential users of plastic products a place to go for detailed technical information about these products and their certification, applicable regulations, applicable tests legal requirements, and so on, and secondly, as a tool to spread the benefits of using plastic products and systems that are certified in AENOR.
Over nearly 45 years, I have worked closely with the certification of plastic products in Spain. Since the beginning in 1970, first with the quality label granted by ANAIP, the Spanish Plastics Industries National Association, and since 1988, when AENOR, with the collaboration of ANAIP, launched this technical forum to manage certification activity of plastics.
Initially as a technical adviser and product inspector and currently as Chairman of the Committee, I have had the opportunity to see the continuous efforts made by manufacturers of plastic products to provide confidence to their customers and users by using an independent and rigorous certification. In parallel, the Certification Committee has worked to raise awareness of the meaning and the effort required to bring a product to the AENOR and benefits of its use, attending fairs, trade shows, organizing technical workshops, seminars and conferences.
We continue along this path and now take a step further, taking advantage of new communication channels to spread the criteria of rigor and transparency that supports the AENOR Mark and have made it a certification of reference in the field of plastics products , with more than 200 factories in 25 countries which holds it today.
I hope this web we open now grows with the development of this sector, and I hope it will be useful, encouraging you to contact us to deal with all questions that may arise your interest.
Yours sincerely,
Santos Santolino Martín
AEN/CTC-001 Plastics Certification Technical Committee Chairman
This virtual meeting place born with two well-defined purposes: to provide prescribers and potential users of plastic products a place to go for detailed technical information about these products and their certification, applicable regulations, applicable tests legal requirements, and so on, and secondly, as a tool to spread the benefits of using plastic products and systems that are certified in AENOR.
Over nearly 45 years, I have worked closely with the certification of plastic products in Spain. Since the beginning in 1970, first with the quality label granted by ANAIP, the Spanish Plastics Industries National Association, and since 1988, when AENOR, with the collaboration of ANAIP, launched this technical forum to manage certification activity of plastics.
Initially as a technical adviser and product inspector and currently as Chairman of the Committee, I have had the opportunity to see the continuous efforts made by manufacturers of plastic products to provide confidence to their customers and users by using an independent and rigorous certification. In parallel, the Certification Committee has worked to raise awareness of the meaning and the effort required to bring a product to the AENOR and benefits of its use, attending fairs, trade shows, organizing technical workshops, seminars and conferences.
We continue along this path and now take a step further, taking advantage of new communication channels to spread the criteria of rigor and transparency that supports the AENOR Mark and have made it a certification of reference in the field of plastics products , with more than 200 factories in 25 countries which holds it today.
I hope this web we open now grows with the development of this sector, and I hope it will be useful, encouraging you to contact us to deal with all questions that may arise your interest.
Yours sincerely,
Santos Santolino Martín
AEN/CTC-001 Plastics Certification Technical Committee Chairman