From the Committee we want to thank the hospitality and good reception that was given to us during the visit which took place last October 10th between the Operations Direction of the Canal de Isabel II, the water supply and sewage company of Madrid region, and representatives of the AENOR Certification Committee.
This visit is part of the promotion plan that both organizations carry out in order to spread the advantages of the use of certified plastic pipes and to reinforce the commitment of the manufacturers of this sector with the quality and its demonstration to third parties through the AENOR brand.
It was informed of the different plastic solutions that have the AENOR Product Quality Mark for those applications in the area of Canal activity, mainly aimed at supply and sanitation.
Likewise, it focused on the main aspects of the AENOR certification process, highlighting the presence of all interested sectors in the composition of the Certification Technical Committee, which makes proposals for the concession or maintenance of certificates, and the importance of establishing a tracking plan for certified products in the market.
On the other hand, from the Canal de Isabel II raise their concern about the absence in Spain of a national scheme that covers the aspects related to the behaviour of construction products in contact with water for human consumption, considering the legislation in force, equivalent existing in other countries of our European environment.
The number of certificates issued abroad on these characteristics sometimes makes it difficult to identify the characteristics they cover.
In this regard, it is reported that AENOR is working on the development of a voluntary scheme that allows manufacturers to demonstrate the suitability of their products, a scheme built in line with existing European requirements and certifications in such a way that their obtaining or later recognition.
Finally, it is agreed to analyse current issues and interest that could lead to the organization of a day directed to Canal technicians regarding the issues that fall within the activities of this Committee.
This visit is part of the promotion plan that both organizations carry out in order to spread the advantages of the use of certified plastic pipes and to reinforce the commitment of the manufacturers of this sector with the quality and its demonstration to third parties through the AENOR brand.
It was informed of the different plastic solutions that have the AENOR Product Quality Mark for those applications in the area of Canal activity, mainly aimed at supply and sanitation.
Likewise, it focused on the main aspects of the AENOR certification process, highlighting the presence of all interested sectors in the composition of the Certification Technical Committee, which makes proposals for the concession or maintenance of certificates, and the importance of establishing a tracking plan for certified products in the market.
On the other hand, from the Canal de Isabel II raise their concern about the absence in Spain of a national scheme that covers the aspects related to the behaviour of construction products in contact with water for human consumption, considering the legislation in force, equivalent existing in other countries of our European environment.
The number of certificates issued abroad on these characteristics sometimes makes it difficult to identify the characteristics they cover.
In this regard, it is reported that AENOR is working on the development of a voluntary scheme that allows manufacturers to demonstrate the suitability of their products, a scheme built in line with existing European requirements and certifications in such a way that their obtaining or later recognition.
Finally, it is agreed to analyse current issues and interest that could lead to the organization of a day directed to Canal technicians regarding the issues that fall within the activities of this Committee.